Monday, March 26, 2007

A Burke Barnstormer's Celebrity

Well, we now have a teammate that is a celebrity, our own Virginie Lemieux! Many of you have not met Virginie (yes, that is the correct way to spell her name) since she now lives way out west and cannot join us for walks like she did last year, but she is still part of the team. Anyway, she was quoted in the Washington Post on Sunday, March 25th in the Metro section. It was an article on the petfood recall. She was at a pet expo downtown with her new puppy, Oslo, and got quoted for the paper. No pictures, but check it out on the Washington Post website at this link

Sick & Guilty on Sunday

Hey everyone, sorry I missed you on the walk around Burke Lake on Sunday. Saturday I dropped out early at 11 miles, thanks for the ride Sara. I was disappointed, but glad I did. Other than nursing some achier than usual knees, it allowed me to tend to a cold that was trying to turn into the flu. By Sunday I was better but thought I would take it easy.

I'll see you next Saturday though, for the walk hosted by Susie in D.C. Thanks, Susie. I won't be doing the entire 21 miles, but I would like to complete 16 to 18. Martha mentioned dropping out about then, so I'll be there with ya, Martha.

I already started making up the missed miles today and was able to do about 6 on the treadmill at the gym. It's not 12 miles or pavement, but my legs need the conditioning. And I think I know why me knees and legs were done so early last Saturday, and it is so obvious that you'll say, "Duuhhh." I have two pair of custom inserts. Well, I split the pair and had an insert from the old pair in my left shoe and an insert from the new pair in my right (because it supported my arch a little better). Well, though they are molded from the same feet (mine of course), they are not exactly the same, one pair is a little thicker than the other. Because of that, they probably through my gait and stride off; not noticeable to me but to my knees. I noticed the difference this morning when I put the inserts from the same pair in my shoes. I am such a doofus, and I will probably be fine next weekend. Lesson learned.

Well, remember to train, stretch and rest. Good walking and good fundraising.